Digital Learning and Resources
Fantastic Fiction
Search bibliographies of over 50,000 bestselling fiction authors, with the latest books and series information.
Scottish Book Trust
Scottish Book Trust is a national charity changing lives through reading and writing.
Looking for something different? Whichbook can help you find what you didn’t know you were looking for, listing lots of intriguing and less well-known titles
Research and reference
Access to Research
Discover a world of published academic research at your local library.
Access to Research gives free, walk-in access to over 30 million academic articles in participating public libraries across the UK. Start now by viewing which articles and journals are available from home, then find a participating library where you can view the full text.
Oxford Dictionaries Premium is much more than just a dictionary and thesaurus of current English. It’s also home to:
- Language learning support, including usage examples, illustrative phrases, grammar guidance, verb tables, and pronunciation charts
- English grammar resources (including New Hart’s Rules, New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors, Pocket Fowler’s Modern English Usage, and more)
Start developing your language skills at home or in the library, by entering your Library card number in the Login with a Library card section and selecting Scottish Borders Council
Local studies / People, then and now
SCRAN Online
Award winning history and culture website giving instant access to images, sounds, movies and learning resources. Contains over one million records from museums, galleries and archives.
John Johnson Collection
John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera shows the changing nature of life in Britain in the 18th to early 20th centuries.SCRAN OnlineAward-winning history and culture website giving instant access to images, sounds, movies and learning resources. Contains over one million records from museums, galleries and archives.
Useful links for kids
A teaching and learning website for five to 12-year-olds with over 500 interactive learning resources and games. A reference section, parents’ area and teachers’ area with curriculum links, lesson plans and worksheets. You will need your library card number to access sites from your own PC
BBC Bitesize
The home of learning and revision resources including learner guides for primary and secondary students.
Find past papers and marking instructions for your revision. You can search by topic and or refine by subject and level.
Self-Led Learning
Learn My Way is a website of free online learning for beginners, helping you develop digital skills to make the most of the online world.
Learning that fits around you. You can use Learn my Way on your mobile, tablet or computer.
Wherever you choose to learn it only takes minutes. You can try out a few topics before registering.
The most comprehensive, and free, programme to help new arrivals understand the British Way of Life. With full human English speech throughout and over 400 pages of useful knowledge as well as fun quizzes after each topic The British Way of Life contains all the basic facts and information required as well as links to many useful websites including government and NHS.
Register on the British Way of Life website with your name, library and library membership number.